
The OSA Alliance* has announced the appointment of Dr Annabel Nickol and Dr Sophie West as co-chairs. The Alliance is an umbrella organisation to facilitate collaboration between experts across UK patient and professional sleep organisations. Its remit focuses specifically on obstructive sleep apnoea, where a united approach can facilitate excellence in OSA-related care, education and resource.

*The OSA Partnership is a founding member of the Alliance.

Recent Research Articles

Can a dedicated ‘fast track’ sleep service successfully establish vocational drivers on CPAP within four weeks of referral?

“Our work has shown that falling asleep at the wheel, due to OSA, is one of the most likely causes for them having a serious road accident, with all the implications, not only for them and other road users, but also for those drivers’ families”.
Professor Jim Horne, Sleep Research Centre, Loughborough University.

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To find out more about the OSA Partnership Group, contact:

Gillian Gibbons 
m) 07795 342804