The OSA Partnership Group
The OSA Partnership Group is made up of individuals and organisations with an interest in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). It includes representatives from the commercial vehicle sector, clinicians, patient groups and those interested in health and safety at work.
NEW: Providing signposts for drivers with OSA on World Sleep Day
The group’s aims are to raise awareness of the symptoms of OSA, the availability of treatment to manage these symptoms and the implications of the condition if untreated.
As a result, much of our campaigning involves working with driving organisations, transport trade bodies and sleep clinics to make the process of coming forward for treatment as straightforward as possible, particularly for those who drive for a living.
The OSA Partnership Group
The OSA Partnership Group is made up of individuals and organisations with an interest in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). It includes representatives from the commercial vehicle sector, clinicians, patient groups and those interested in health and safety at work.
The group’s aims are to raise awareness of the symptoms of OSA, the availability of treatment to manage these symptoms and the implications of the condition if untreated.
As a result, much of our campaigning involves working with driving organisations, transport trade bodies and sleep clinics to make the process of coming forward for treatment as straightforward as possible, particularly for those who drive for a living.
“I know from my clinical experience how reluctant vocational drivers are to seek medical help when they have a symptom that might lose them their livelihood, therefore they have to be assured that rapid diagnosis and treatment will get them back on the road quickly”.

How to Get Involved
We welcome support, particularly from healthcare professionals, politicians and Government officials and the logistics industry.
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Contact Us
To find out more about the OSA Partnership Group, contact:
Gillian Gibbons
m) 07795 342804