GP Sleep Study: Dr. Sanjay Gadhla
Dr Sanjay Gadhia, from the Lakeside Healthcare Group in Corby, in conjunction with Corby CCG, decided that there were better ways of handling the increasing numbers of patients with suspected OSA than simply referring them to either Leicester or Northampton Sleep Clinics.
Partly because of the distances involved, more than 20% of patients referred did not attend their appointments, and a smaller percentage who, following the hospital sleep study, did not need any treatment.
They introduced a home screening sleep study and, in a pilot of 68 patients, from four different local practices, 28 did not need further treatment. This represented a significant saving from the reduced number of referrals.
“Increased awareness of the clinical features and prompt treatment of sleep apnoea is one way to save lives and health care related expenditure”.
Martin Allen, Consultant Physician, previously National Clinical Lead for Sleep Apnoea.
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To find out more about the OSA Partnership Group, contact:
Gillian Gibbons
m) 07795 342804